有些人读书能事半功倍,有些人读书却事倍功半,其差别,主要在于是否能掌握读书方法。SQ3R方法是一种提升研习能力的方法,为美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学教授罗宾逊(F. P. Robinson)所设计的一套有效读书方法,于1946年在他的著作Effective Study有所提及,主要用于精读课文。
(4)用双线、曲线或黄色荧光笔把最主要的概念划出来,每段只划一个最主要的概念,并且只在其关键点划线即可。假如主要概念分散在數段,可用1,2,3 等數字加以标示,以利记忆。
SQ3R & CNT Methods
再介绍一种学习姿势——SQ3R & CNT Methods,就是将SQ3R方法和CNT方法相结合。
CNT方法指康奈尔笔记系统(CNTS),是由康奈尔大学教授沃尔特·帕克(Walter Pauk)在2007年的40年前开发设计的,作为一种在记录有组织且有用的笔记的方法,帮助学生“更好地组织笔记” 。

康奈尔大学在线学习策略中心提供Canvas笔记模块,该模块将交互式地指导您使用Cornell Notes的方法。
在一份在线文档(引用来源)中,详细介绍了The Cornell Note Taking System(CNTS)的内容:
The “Record” section was used to record as many facts as a person can write within a six inch column. The notes in this section are not expected to be concise, nor are the notes to be grammatically correct. It is important to short-note within the area provided. After the presentation of information, the student reviews the notes and fills in any blanks, or corrects any confusing areas.
Within the “Reduce” step, the student wrote in key words, phrases or questions that will serve as cues for the notes taken in class. These cues are written using words that will benefit the individual when reviewing the notes. In addition, questions were entered in the left hand column that helped clarify ideas.
The “Recite” step was one of the most powerful processes of the CNTS. At this step, the student stated the facts and ideas that are trying to be learned out loud. This step was different from the usual study style where notes were re-read because the student spoke the ideas and information outloud rather than relying solely on reading. The purpose of stating ideas outloud was to challenge the individual to think about what the information truly meant. The recite step required that the data in the right hand column be covered and the cue words and terms listed in the left hand column be used to practice reciting the expanded details relating to those words. Should the individual not be able to remember specifics as related to the cue word, uncovering the data in the right hand column allowed the individual to easily retrieve that information.
The “Reflect” or reflection step was where the student thought about the information learned. Learning was reinforced for the individual by relating facts and ideas to other ideas. During this step, questions were asked such as , “How do these facts and ideas fit into what I already know? How can I apply them? How is knowing this important?”(McDowell, 2006). Information and notes presented became reality for the student in that, at this point, it was recognized how information learned was beneficial to them.
The “Review” step was used to help prevent forgetting information learned. The student used the notes that have been taken and reviewed those frequently. It was recommended that the notes be reviewed nightly. It was important that the student reviewed the notes, not re-read them. In this instance, reviewing meant to look over important details and the summary; re-reading meant to re-read the entire set of notes taken. This step helped with the retention of information presented for a longer period of time.
The final step in the CNTS was “Recapitulate”. The recapitulate section was found at the bottom of the note page and summarized the notes taken as well as integrated the information written. The summarization of information was intended to be a summary of key points and ideas written by the individual using language that was easily understood. The summarizations were not notes that were re-written verbatim. This step occurred after the lecture and other steps had been concluded (McDowell, 2006, Pauk, 1997).

SOAR是内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska–Lincoln)教育与人文学院教育心理学教授肯内特·A·基瓦拉(KENNETH A.KIEWRA)博士开发的一种教学方法。它是首字母缩写词,代表四个组成部分:选择,组织,关联和监管(Select, Organize, Associate, and Regulate)。
要学习,学生必须选择重要的想法(通常通过记笔记),组织它们(通常使用图表和图表之类的图形组织器),将它们相互关联(彼此和以前获得的知识)以及规范学习(通常通过实践测试) 。
SOAR的项目链接及《The SOAR Method》这篇文章对SOAR方法都有示例说明。